Friday, October 9, 2009

Animals Vol. 1 - Water

Hey so sorry it's been awhile again! The week gets so busy with class and time is going by so fast, I can't keep up.

Anyways, last weekend was a blast! It was full of my favorite thing... animals! More importantly, animals you can pet and feed!!

First, on Saturday we went to the Salthill Aquarium - it's Ireland's national aquarium. It was fairly modest inside, but still really fun. Here comes the story, in pictures and video (unfortunately I can't really remember the names of everything now, so feel free to make you're own up):

The blurry seahorse - his tank was dark and hard to photograph. Someday I want a tank full of seahorses, they are the most adorable.

A crab with an anemone on his shell, they go way back.

Some kind of nervous looking fish.

I told him to smile for the picture.

Crab on Clam action, living seafood special.

The hang out and look pretty tentacle suction guy.

Guess what this is... the biggest eyeball ever. Don't get into a staring contest with a whale.

Some toothless fish we got to feed. Since they don't have teeth, they like to eat bread soaked in water. It felt like lots of slimy kisses, they get really excited at bread-time.

This big crab looked scary in the water, but got totally shy when taken out. And then we got to hold him! It was like holding a rock with some legs curled up.

Creepy old fisherman in one of the exhibits. I don't think this would really help the fish relax and feel comfortable, but maybe they're more fun to watch when they always think they're about to be caught by Gordon and turned into fishsticks.

This is the hang out fish. He and his friends just hang out on rocks. They didn't really swim, just sat around. I guess they could be laid back because they were in a different tank than the Gordon.

Finally... movie time! There was a big pool with crazy looking flat fish, which were Turbot I believe, and a shark with a busted nose, and a bunch of really awesome looking rays. At the end of the first video the shark does a little dance. The turbot just look weird all the time, their faces are all one one side of their body and they swim sideways.

This beautiful ray way trying to communicate... We think maybe he wanted to come out and play, but the docents said 'no touching.'

OK, that's all for the aquarium, stay tuned for Animals Vol. 2 - Land!

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