Sunday, September 6, 2009

Beds and Breakfast

Every night we've ended up at The Crane Bar since it never fails to have awesome live traditional music and sporadic singing bouts. There was a guy in a too-small white polo shirt with the collar popped that stood out from the get go, like, what a douche right? Which is why shock and awe and crazy applause happened after he got up in the middle of a song, stood in front of the musicians, took a deep breath, and busted a Riverdance explosion all over us - complete with kicking-while-jumping and spinning around real fast. He did it once more before leaving as well, what a gem.

Unfortunately, we found out that we wouldn't be having Irish housemates coming to occupy the other empty bedroom. Fortunately, I now have a totally baller single with a double bed, private bathroom, and sliding glass doors:

In case you're curious about food, we live about 5 minutes from a supermarket called Dunnes, and there's another shopping center about 10 more minutes away. I am particularly fond of these beans, and they're on sale a lot.

The sizes of things are very different in Ireland. All the water glasses in restaurants are about 4 oz. while the soup spoons look like salad servers. I've been eating with teaspoons, which are the perfect size, but basically nonexistent in the states. Here's an illustrated example - this is what a Carr's Table Water cracker looks like here, it is not an illusion:

Classes start tomorrow, starting with Climate Change, Anatomy, and shopping some psych courses. I'll let y'all know how it goes, thanks for reading!


  1. Cool beans! Sounds like you've had a souper and crack(er)ling experience so far!

    Hehe we all miss you back home!


  2. Stef stop trying to be funny.

    Hannah your room is awesome! it has so much natural light, I love that.

  3. That's just too much cracker. Looks like you've got an amazing place out there, though. Good luck with classes!

  4. Room is awesome---Cracker is awesome!
    Where are the married beans?

  5. Hannah! I'm so so jealous. You gots two beds and I don't even have one! It's futonville for me sista. I'll post pictures of my place too, so dat you can feel pity for me and send me some giant crackers.

  6. So have you partaken in any Irish singing?? I hope so! Sounds like everything is pretty awesome from giant crackers to a huge room all to yourself. I look forward to hearing how classes go. Oh, and I for one, rather expect you to learn some riverdance before you come home.
